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Get price Send MessagesBaptismal font – Wikipedia. In the Roman Catholic Church, especially after its Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), greater attention is being given to the form of the baptismal font.
High Quality roman catholic home baptismal font India,Reasonable Price. … Roman Catholic tradition a baptismal font differs from an immersion. … catholic items …
Baptismal font – Wikipedia. In the Roman Catholic Church, especially after its Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), greater attention is being given to the form of the baptismal font.
"The baptismal font, particularly one in a baptistery, should be stationary, gracefully constructed out of suitable material, of splendid beauty and spotless cleanliness; it should permit baptism by immersion, whenever this is the usage.
Up through the 1960s, the Church specified in the Roman Ritual that the baptistery was to be adorned with an image of John the Baptist baptizing Christ. To this day, many older baptismal fonts show a small version of this scene atop their lids or in stained glass windows nearby.
Catholic Teachings: Gathering around the baptismal font is something that is always done during baptism, it is where the holy water is held. We go up with both our godparents and parents, and make the baptismal promises.
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